拼音:tóu hūn yǎn huā 英文解釋:
(1) 頭腦眩昏,視力模糊太陽曬得人頭昏眼花(2) 也作“頭眩眼花... >>
查看“頭昏眼花”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
cuttingoutpaperdollies 2.
cuttingoutdolls 3.
giddify 4.
seestars 5.
sawstars 6.
cuttingoutdollies 中英例句:
- 要注意分清楚這一點,以免把眩暈與頭昏眼花、昏暈等症狀混在一起。
This should not be confused with symptoms of lightheadedness or fainting.
- 他從腳踏車上摔下來,一陣頭昏眼花。
He was punch-drunk for a few minutes after he fell off his bike
- 舞檯燈光照著那演員,使她感到頭昏眼花。
The stage lights glared down on the actress, making her feel faint.
- 騎旋轉木馬使你覺得頭昏眼花。
Riding on a merry-go-round makes you feel dizzy.
- 然而為什麼它總是那么麻煩,讓我們覺得頭昏眼花、灰心喪氣?
So why is it so often such a hassle, full of complexity and frustration?
- 由於長時間在強烈日光下曬得頭昏眼花,他整個人跌倒在地上。
He was so giddy with that long exposure that he fell all his length.
- 然而為什麼它總是那么麻煩,讓我們覺得頭昏眼花、灰心喪氣?
So why is it so often such a hassle, full of complexity and frustration
- 這種複雜的計算搞得我頭昏眼花.
My brain swam at the complexity of the calculations