字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>偷盜的英文翻譯 “偷盜”的日文翻譯


拼音:tōu dào


pilfer; steal


(1) ∶見“偷 1 ”(2) ∶偷竊;盜竊大理石被偷盜... >>查看“偷盜”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 利19:11你們不可偷盜、不可欺騙、也不可彼此說謊。
    You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.
  2. 偷盜而致富,盜賊當紳士。
    A thief passes for a gentleman, when stealing has maken him rich
  3. 那些小偷盜走了乘客們所有的錢財及珠寶飾物。
    The thieves robbed the passengers of all their money and jewels.
  4. 攜帶能被用來作入屋偷盜的工具,這是一種嚴重的犯罪行為
    Notifiable offence of carrying tools which can be used for burglary
  5. 當他被指揮偷盜時,他勃然大怒。
    When he was accused of stealing he flared up.
  6. 我們搶在偷盜珠寶的圖謀得逞之前將它們轉移了。
    We forestalled the attempt to steal the jewels by having them removed.
  7. 能給我這起偷盜事件的證明嗎?
    Could you make out a certificate of the theft?
  8. 偷盜富有後,賊冒充紳士。
    Thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich
