- 所有的報紙都在頭版顯著的位置上登了選舉結果。
All the papers splashed the result of election over the front page.
- 頭版上有些有意思的訊息。
There's something interesting on the front page.
- 這篇報導刊登在報紙頭版顯著位置。
The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper.
- 那則訊息次日刊登在頭版上了。
The news appeared next day on the front page.
- 把…刊登在頭版放在報紙第一版或在第一版報導
To place or report on the front page of a newspaper.
- 那家報紙把這件事當頭版新聞報導。
The newspaper splashed the story on page one.
- 那么這次警告人們厄運來臨的頭版新聞都到哪裡去了呢?
So where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time?
- 應該擁有一個寬大的頭版,肌肉發達。
Should have a broad head with a bulky muzzle