拼音:tóng zōng英文解釋:
of the same clan【法】 cognatio; consanguinity
宗法社會指同一大宗。後泛指同一家族或同姓 >>查看“同宗”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 同姓不同宗a person of the same surname but belonging to a different clan
- 包括不同宗教信仰的人。involving persons of different religious faiths.
- 與你信仰相同宗教的人A man of your religion
- 吹牛與說謊本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german
- 楚瓦士龍描述是與相同宗教中的先伊斯蘭教神話部分相同的。Chuvash dragons represent the pre-Islamic mythology of the same region.
- 血親通過血緣或同宗連線的關係Relationship by blood or by a common ancestor
- 同宗的來自於共同祖先的;同血親的Coming from a common source; akin
- 與你信仰相同宗教的人A man of your religion.