- 曲集不同音樂片斷的錄音
A recording of different musical pieces
- 他的作品是幾種不同音樂風格的融合。
His work is a fusion of several different style of music.
- 他用同音詞“weak”和“week”說了句雙關語。
He punned on the likeness of"weak" and"week".
- 同度;同音音高一致;完全同度的間隔
Identity of pitch; the interval of a perfect prime
- 用不同音調反覆演奏一組樂句。
several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys
- 曲集不同音樂片斷的錄音
A recording of different musical pieces.
- 用不同音調反覆演奏一組樂句。
several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys.
- 現行盲文同音詞混淆問題的調查
A Survey on Confusion of Homonym in Current Chinese Braille