字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>同謀的英文翻譯 “同謀”的日文翻譯


拼音:tóng móu


accessary; accessory; accomplice; aid and abet; confederate; conspiracy
【法】 accomplice; be art and part in; joint conspiracy; joint plot
mutual conspiracy


(1) ∶共謀,一同謀劃不敢與他同謀(2) ∶參與謀劃的人同謀多人。&mdash... >>查看“同謀”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他涉嫌為這次兇殺案的同謀
    He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder.
  2. 他被利用同謀犯罪。
    He was made accessory to the crime.
  3. 他因涉嫌同謀犯罪被捕。
    He is arrested on suspicion of be an accessory to the crime.
  4. 我司將在龐大的客戶中與客戶同謀發展!
    We shall develop with our vast clients jointly!
  5. 不久他就得在艾克斯和他的同謀女犯一同受審。
    He was shortly to be tried at Aix with his accomplice.
  6. 同夥陰謀策劃的協助者;同謀
    One who assists in a plot; an accomplice
  7. 同謀捲入有嫌疑的活動或犯罪的共犯
    Involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime
  8. 同謀捲入有嫌疑的活動或犯罪的共犯
    Involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime.
