拼音:tòng hèn 英文解釋:
abhor; abhorrence; abominate; hate bitterly中文解釋:
深惡痛絕;極端憎恨他們痛恨戰爭 >>
查看“痛恨”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
resent 2.
virulency 3.
abhorrence 4.
abominate 5.
haveadeephatredfor 6.
hadadeephatredfor 相關對話:
- 她的社會主義信念來自她對社會上不公平現象的痛恨。
Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.
- 在一陣痛恨的狂亂中,他殺死了敵人。
In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
- 大多數人痛恨虐待兒童。
Most people abhor cruelty to children.
- 有些人痛恨它。
Others execrate it.
- 我痛恨這種殘暴。
I hate such cruelty .
- 我痛恨鋪張浪費的行政機關。
I hate the prodigal administration.
- 人們痛恨惡毒的告密者。
No one likes a malicious telltale.
- 我痛恨那些華而不實、平淡無奇、或自欺欺人的廣告。
I abhor advertising that is blatant,dull,or dishonest.