拼音:tóng gōng英文解釋:
child labour【經】 child labor
在商業或工業中雇用的未成年的工人,尤指違反禁止使用一定年齡以下兒童法令而雇用的 >>查看“童工”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 李同志十歲就當了童工,在解放前一直像奴隸般地幹活。Comrade Li became a child laborer at10 and slaved away until liberation.
- 他被一家工廠僱傭,在翻砂車間當童工。He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop.
- 禁止剝削童工。It is not permitted to exploit child labour.
- * 支持取締童工;* uphold the abolition of child labour;
- ILO將用一天的時間來談論童工問題。The ILO will devote a day to a discussion of child labor
- 地方報紙登載一篇有關童工勞動的特寫。The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor.
- 他一直在報上攻擊雇用童工。He has been running a lilt in the newspaper against child labour