字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體徵的英文翻譯


拼音:tǐ zhēng


【醫】 objective sign; physical sign; physical symptom


  1. 向貨物或服務而不是向個人或團體徵收的稅款項目。
    a tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations
  2. 眼上靜脈為頸內動脈海綿竇瘺的主要引流靜脈。 26例經血管內栓塞治療和外科治療後症狀和體徵消失。
    The symptoms and signs of CCF disappeared after treatment in 26 cases.
  3. 向貨物或服務而不是向個人或團體徵收的稅款項目。
    a tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations.
  4. 未見右心室肥大體徵
    No signs of R hypertrophy were found.
  5. 21三體徵家庭的銀染核仁形成區的研究
    Study of Ag-stained NORS in Trisomy 21 Families
  6. 痰中帶血可能是肺癌的體徵
    Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer
  7. 振動覺缺失或減弱是神經病變的第一體徵
    Absent or reduced vibration sense is the first sign of neuropathy.
