- 從終身體育的角度出發略論高校體育教育改革
On College PE Reform from the Angle of Lifetime PE
- 21世紀我國學校體育的目標取向
Aim of School Physical Education of Our Country in 21st Century
- 新時期發展民族傳統體育的價值定位
Value of the Traditional Sports in New Age
- 你知道我在寫一本關於體育的書。
You know I am writing a book on sports.
- 淺析伊斯蘭教對中世紀阿拉伯體育的影響
The Impact of Islam on Medieval Arabic Sports
- 三梯級格局與我國競技體育的發展
The Three-Levels Situation and the Development of Chian's Competitive Sport
- 軍事體育的萌芽由此產生了。
Thus, military sports began to sprout.
- 新加坡在這個時候開始強調體育的重要性是最合時宜的。
It is timely to stress the importance of sports.