字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體育場的英文翻譯 “體育場”的日文翻譯


拼音:tǐ yù chǎng




有多層觀眾席位的大型露天建築物,建成各種不同形狀(如圓形或橢圓形),四周看台的中... >>查看“體育場”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 數以百計的人被體育場拒之門外
    Hundreds of people have to be turned away from the stadium
  2. 必須把體育場中這兩部分球迷隔開。
    The two groups of fans must be segregated in the stadium.
  3. 我在體育場看棒球賽。
    I watch a baseball game in the stadium
  4. 一直向前走過了教堂,約莫半英里就是體育場
    Keep on past the church; the stadium is about half a mile further mon.
  5. 體育場已爆滿,不得不把數千名球迷拒之門外。
    The stadium was so full that thousands of fans had to be turned away .
  6. 請你告訴我露天體育場在哪裡,好嗎?
    Could you tell me where the stadium is?
  7. 您這個周末想不想和我一起去?在體育場有一場比賽。
    Would you like to go with me this weekend There is a match at the stadium
  8. 他告訴我們一直向前走,就可以看到體育場了。
    He told us to walk in a forward direction until we saw the stadium.
