拼音:tí wèn 英文解釋:
put question to; quiz中文解釋:
提出問題 >>
查看“提問”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
oralinterrogation 2.
arraignment 3.
arraign 4.
question(on) 中英例句:
- 他講完話後請聽眾提問題和意見。
After his speech he invited questions and comments (from the audience).
- 當老師提問題時學生們都舉起了手。
The pupils all put up their hands when the teacher asks them questions.
- 我就他的小說向他提問。
I plied him with questions about his novel.
- 他接二連三地提問題。
He bubbled questions.
- 他停下來看了看筆記,然後繼續提問。
He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions.
- 會後請聽眾提問。
Questions are invited after the meeting.
- 他們用巧妙的提問誘使他招認了。
By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession.