字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體貼的的英文翻譯


拼音:tǐ tiē de


considerate; nice; obliging; thoughtful


  1. 薩姆叔叔強調互相體貼的重要性.
    Uncle Sam emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another.
  2. 體貼的體諒他人感情的
    Considerate of the feelings of others.
  3. 體貼的人不應該對乾旱考慮不周。
    Thoughtful men ought cijdxl not to be thoughtless about the drought.
  4. 他扮演一個體貼的丈夫的角色, 演得肉麻.
    He overacts the part of the loving husband
  5. 我對她體貼的感激之情
    my gratitude at her thoughtfulness
  6. 有個這么體貼的妻子,你 真幸運
    You are lucky to have such a thoughtful wife
  7. 體貼的不考慮他人感情的;不得體的
    Lacking in consideration for the feelings of others; tactless
  8. 非常體貼的朋友們把我們單獨留了下來。
    friends considerate enough to leave us alone.
