字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>聽命的英文翻譯 “聽命”的日文翻譯


拼音:tīng mìng


take orders from


(1) ∶聽從命令;聽從上級或長輩的話(2) ∶聽天由命;聽其自然 >>查看“聽命”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她拒不聽命於她的父親,結果她父親在遺囑中連一個子兒也沒留給她。
    His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him.
  2. 為什麼我該聽命於你?
    Why should I dance to your pipe?
  3. 妻子必須在各個方面完全 聽命於丈夫
    a wife should be subordinate to her husband in every way
  4. 她不斷引誘查理,直到他聽命於她。
    She lured Charley on until he did just what she wanted.
  5. 卑躬屈膝地聽命;奉承討好
    To act in a servile manner; fawn.
  6. 她想要她丈夫一直對她俯首聽命
    She wanted her husband to lick her boots all the time.
  7. 她拒不聽命於她的父親,結果她父親在遺囑中連一個子兒也沒留給她。
    His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him
  8. 我拒不俯首聽命
    I will not be lorded over.
