字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>聽不見的英文翻譯


拼音:tīng bù jiàn




  1. 我得大聲嚷,否則根本聽不見我的聲音。
    I had to shout to make myself heard.
  2. 我傾耳聆聽但聽不見任何聲音。
    I listened but could not hear a sound
  3. 我傾耳聆聽但聽不見任何聲音。
    I listened but could not hear a sound.
  4. 他離得很遠了,聽不見我們的喊聲。
    He was out of earshot and could not hear our shouts.
  5. 我幾聽不見他的話。
    I can scarcely hear him.
  6. 他的聲音低得快聽不見了。
    His voice fell to a whisper.
  7. 來往的車輛和行人的噪聲太大,我聽不見電話的鈴聲
    The traffic makes so much noise that I cannot hear my phone ring
  8. 但是時間流過了,還聽不見你的車輦的輪聲。
    But time glides on and still no sound of the wheels of thy chariot.
