字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>貼現的英文翻譯 “貼現”的日文翻譯


拼音:tiē xiàn


discount; time discount
【經】 discount for cash; discount on exchange


以未到期票據向銀行通融資金,銀行扣取自提款日至到期日的利息後以票面餘額付給持票人... >>查看“貼現”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.timediscount  2.discountforcash  3.discounting  4.discountonexchange  


  1. 貼現率在購買、出售或貸款的商業票據前削減利息;貼現率
    The interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.
  2. 我們的基準貼現率為20%,但為快速結帳,我們另外加付5%。
    Our basic discount be20%, but we offer5% extra for rapid settlement.
  3. 您不認為信用證跟現金差不多嗎?而且如果您願意,什麼時候都是可以貼現的。
    Don't you think a letter of credit is just as good as cash? And you can discount it at any time, if you like.
  4. 我們通常只貼現已承兌的商業票據。
    We usually only discount acceptance trade and commercial bills.
  5. 中央銀行規定的貼現率。
    the discount rate fixed by a central bank
  6. 我們的基準貼現率為20%,但為快速結帳,我們另外加付5%。
    Our basic discount be 20%, but we offer 5% extra for rapid settlement.
  7. 考慮通貨膨脹與資金時間價值貼現影響的動態批量問題
    The Dynamic Lot Size Problem Under Inflation and Time Value of Money
  8. 貼現率結構的變化結果是不可用數量表示的。
    The effect of the change in the discount structure not quantifiable.
