拼音:tiě guǐ 英文解釋:
用於有輪車輛的金屬軌道;特指用於鐵道或電車道的裝有扣栓物、枕木和有時還有道渣的一... >>
查看“鐵軌”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
railwayrail 2.
railroadrail 3.
ironrail 4.
ilwayrail 相關對話:
- 營長命令士兵們沿鐵軌排開。
The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.
- 枕木橫放在鐵路基上以固定鐵軌的梁中的一根,通常為木製
One of the beams, usually made of wood, that are laid across a railroad bed to secure the rails.
- 鐵軌鐵路車廂或其它車輛可在上運行的一條或一套平行軌道
A rail or set of parallel rails upon which railroad cars or other vehicles run.
- 轉轍器一端尖細可移動的鐵軌,如用於鐵路岔道的
A movable rail, tapered at the end, such as that used in a railroad switch.