拼音:tí dào英文解釋:
mention; make mention of; refer to; touch【法】 mention
(1) ∶提及;說及,說到,尤指簡短地他曾向她提到我他在談話中常提到我(2) ∶... >>查看“提到”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.makementionof 2.referto 3.sayturkey 4.atthementionof 5.glanceat 6.giveareferenceto 7.referenceto 8.alludeto 9.saypeaturkey 10.touch例句:
- 雖然她沒提到我的名字,但我明白她的話是為我好。Although she didn't mention me by name, I know her remarks were intended for my benefit.
- 沒提到她的貢獻。There was no mention of her contribution.
- 他順便提到他要離開的事。He mentioned en passant that he was going away.
- 這篇文章約略提到我們同日本的關係。The article glances at our relations with Japan.
- 她的日記中沒有進一步提到他。There is no further reference to him in her diary.
- 他在我們會談時提到了那個問題。He mentioned that problem at our interviews.
- 他們提到的那個講演是不可引用的。The address they mentioned was off the record.