拼音:tí chū kàng yì英文解釋:
【法】 make a protest against; raise a protest相關對話:
- 我們這一帶的居民在向空軍部隊遞交一份有環形簽名的抗議書,就噴氣式飛機飛越我們住宅上空時產生的噪音問題提出抗議。The people in our neighborhood are sending a round robin to the Air Force to protest the nice the jet planes make flying over our house.
- 懷特先生向主席提出抗議。Mr White lodged a protest with the president.
- 我們對你這句話提出抗議。I protested against this remark of yours.
- 他們向市長提出抗議說稅款過高。They protested to the mayor that the taxes were too high.