字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>提出建議的英文翻譯


拼音:tí chū jiàn yì


【法】 offer a proposal; propound; throw out a suggestion


  1. 凡要做出重大決定時,總統夫人總是不離左右,隨時給他提出建議
    The president's wife was always at his elbow whenever an important decision had to be taken.
  2. 法官向審判人員提出建議
    The judge made recommendations to the court.
  3. 貴方對管理與技術工作,將隨時提出建議
    You should give us managerial and technical advice from time to time.
  4. 向某人提出建議
    approach sb with a suggestion
  5. 爸爸偶爾會插話,提出建議
    Dad would occasionally break in with a suggestion
  6. 經濟學家對經濟政策和走勢能作出正確估計或提出建議的人
    A man who assesses or advises on economic policies and trends.
  7. 磋商會議提出建議或交換意見的討論會
    A conference at which advice is given or views are exchanged.
