拼音:tǐ cāo英文解釋:
gymnastics【醫】 gymnastics
體育項目,分為徒手和器械兩種方式 >>查看“體操”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這女孩在體操衫外束了一條腰帶。The girl wore a girdle around her gym tunic
- 關於競技體操美學特徵的研究Research on Aesthetic Characteristics of Competitive Gymnastics
- 你認為哪位體操運動員有可能獲得奧林匹克冠軍呢? Well, most of all, me.Actually there are many girls who have a chance to win.Which gymnasts do you believe have the best chance of winning the Olympics?
- 我發現學體操很難。I find it hard to learn gymnastics.
- 三、四年級的學生相互合作,為聯誼會布置體操館。The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.
- 哪些項目?我喜歡像體操之類的運動。B Which ones I like sports like gymnastics
- 翻筋斗者翻滾者,尤指雜技演員或體操運動員One that tumbles, especially an acrobat or a gymnast
- 體操技巧體操訓練的藝術或實踐The art or practice of such exercises.