字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>提包的英文翻譯 “提包”的日文翻譯


拼音:tí bāo


bag; handbag


一種有提梁的包兒,用皮、布、塑膠等製成 >>查看“提包”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他搶走我手中的提包就跑了。
    He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off.
  2. 我的手提包的扣壞了。
    The catch on my handbag is broken.
  3. 她向我講述了他是怎樣跑到她跟前搶走她的手提包的。
    She described to me how he ran up to her and grabbed her handbag.
  4. 他拿起提包急急忙忙地沿著站台走了。
    He picked up his bag and hurried off along the platform.
  5. 她從手提包里取出了一個小筆記本。
    She extracted a small notebook from her handbag.
  6. 她把那隻大手提包扔在桌子上。
    She flung down her large handbag on the table.
  7. 她翻遍了手提包,就是找不到鑰匙。
    She foraged (ie rummaged) about in her handbag, but couldn't find her keys.
  8. 在回家的路上,她的手提包被搶劫了。
    Her handbag was pillaged on her way home.
