拼音:tiáo liào 英文解釋:
flavoring; seasoning; fixing中文解釋:
調味品 >>
查看“調料”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
mixtion 2.
flavouringsubstance 中英例句:
- 這湯應該再加點調料-。
The soup needs more flavouring.
- 這種植物的葉子,可用作調料
The leaves of this plant, used as a seasoning.
- 肉餡餅餡餅或半圓形卷餅,尤指內有加了調料的肉體或魚的
A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.
- 阿都波一種由海菜及肉或魚做成的菲律賓菜餚,用咖喱、醬油和香料作調料,佐以米飯
A Philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and spices and served with rice.
- 濃味蔬菜燉肉,濃味蔬菜燉魚放好了調料的燉肉或燉魚,通常放有蔬菜
A well-seasoned meat or fish stew, usually with vegetables.