拼音:tiǎo bō 英文解釋:
incite; instigate; provocate; provocation; provoke
(1).撥動燈芯使燈火明亮。引申為啟發。《古尊宿語錄·佛眼普說》:“我費許多力... >>
查看“挑撥”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
provocation 2.
provoke 3.
provocate 4.
stircoals 5.
provocant 6.
provocator 例句:
- 她挑撥兩個對手相爭,自己卻獲得了那份工作。
She played her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself.
- 他企圖挑撥他們打架。
He tried to provoke them into fighting.
- 竭盡挑撥離間之能事
stop at nothing to sow discord
- 難駕馭的容易挑撥是非的;不聽指揮的
Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
- 你或許知道人們總是盡最大可能去挑撥對他人的忌妒。
You might know people who do all they can to provoke envy in others.
- 他們為什麼要想法在各民族之間挑撥離間呢?
Why did they try to sow dissension among the nationalities?
- 挑撥人們不滿情緒的人
A sower of discontent among the people