拼音:tián yuán shī 英文解釋:
eclogue; georgic; pastoral中文解釋:
歌詠田園生活的詩歌 >>
查看“田園詩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
georgic 2.
reed 例句:
- 田園詩田園詩,常以牧羊人之間對話的形式出現
A pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds.
- 法國海岸田園詩般的夏季生活
A summer idyll on the coast of France.
- 田園詩田園詩,常以牧羊人之間對話的形式出現
A pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds
- 田園詩人,田園樂曲(牧歌)作者
A writer of idylls.
- 田園詩涉及農業和農村生活的詩
A poem concerning farming or rural life.
- 阿瑪瑞麗絲古典田園詩里被用作牧羊女的傳統名字
Used in classical pastoral poetry as a conventional name for a shepherdess