字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>天體的的英文翻譯


拼音:tiān tǐ de




  1. 他們使用了哈勃空間望遠鏡發現了天體的大小。
    They used the Hubble Space Telescope to discover the size of the object.
  2. 天文學是一門有關天體的科學。
    The science of astronomy relates to heavenly bodies.
  3. 黃緯黃道以南或以北天體的用角度量的距離
    The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic
  4. X選BL Lac天體的某些性質
    Some Properties of X-ray Selected BL Lac Objects
  5. 黃緯黃道以南或以北天體的用角度量的距離
    The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.
  6. BL Lac天體的譜性質
    The Spectral Properties of BL Lac Objects
  7. BL Lac天體的含義(Ⅰ)
    Implications of BL Lac Objects(Ⅰ)
  8. 天頂一個天體的明顯運動達到最高點
    The highest point reached in the apparent motion of a celestial body
