拼音:tiān shēng de英文翻譯
inherent; born; congenital; inborn; inbred; innate; instinctive; natural
1.heavenborn 2.
heaven-born 3.ingenital 4.ingenerate 5.innative 6.
innate 7.inthemannerborn 8.
unschooled 9.
connate 10.
natural-born 例句:
- 這位演說家用苦練的方法克服了天生的口吃毛病。
By much pains, the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech.
- 那人雖窮,卻表現出天生的謙虛有禮。
The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.
- 本事不是天生的,是鍛鍊出來的。
Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.