拼音:tián píng英文解釋:
fill and level up中文解釋:
在表面不平的地方用東西填上使水平 >>查看“填平”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 剷平或填平地面。Level down the ground
- 必須把這些車轍填平,以便車輛通過。The rust must be filled in so that traffic can pass.
- 全軍都開始叫嚷著要將壕塹填平。The whole army begins to clamour for the fosse to be filled up.
- 填平缺口或填補空白Fill in a gap
- 需要更多的礫石來填平車道上的坑窪。More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive.
- 車輪壓出的轍跡必須填平, 以便行人和車輛通行。The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass.
- 滑坡把動物常飲水的水池填平了。The landslide earthed up the pool where the animals usually drank water.