拼音:tiān nián英文解釋:
natural span of life中文解釋:
(1) ∶自然的壽數盡其天年。——明· 張... >>查看“天年”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 享盡天年die a natural death; live one's full span
- 整天給你的朋友寫詩,害得他們不勝其煩,不能終其天年,這是什麼友誼。Pretty friendship it is to rhyme your friends to death before their time.
- 我母親享盡天年而逝。My mother died full of years.
- 我只想賣掉自己的股份,然後頤養天年。I just want to sell out my share of the business and retire.
- 既使我這次失敗又有什麼要緊?明天年可以再試。What though I fail this time? I will try again next year.