拼音:tiān liàng英文解釋:
day break中文解釋:
太陽快要露出地平線時天空發出光亮 >>查看“天亮”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.daybreak 2.dawn例句:
- 夜班工作人員天亮時下班。The night shift come/comes off at dawn.
- 天亮時,我們可以看到風暴造成的災害。When day dawned, we could see the damage the storm had caused.
- 他從天亮工作到天黑。He works from dawn till dusk.
- 天亮了,我聽到從某處傳來雄雞的啼叫聲。It was dawn, and I could hear a cock crowing somewhere.
- 這個勤奮的學生每天天亮以前就起床了。The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.
- 哥倫布剛巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak.