- 我沒時間吃甜點心了,不過在我吃完主菜以前也許你可以給我來杯清咖啡。
I shall not have time for dessert but perhaps you can bring a black coffee before I finish the main course.
- 戀愛與醜聞,是喝茶的最佳甜點心。
Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.
- 結婚是:湯比甜點心更佳的一頓飯。
Marriage is a meal where the soup should be better than the dessert
- 這份甜點心真是再好沒有了。
This dessert is out of this world.
- 果醬餅一種有堅硬的光滑酥皮且頂部有焦糖色果汁的甜點心
A dessert of firm, smooth custard with a topping of caramel syrup
- 你想吃甜點心嗎?
Are you going to have dessert?
- 她決定幾天不吃甜點心。
She decided to forgo dessert for a few days.