拼音:tè wù英文解釋:
secret agent; special task; spy; tail【法】 secret agent
(1).經過特殊訓練,從事刺探情報、顛覆、破壞等活動的人。 愛新覺羅·溥儀 《... >>查看“特務”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.secretagent 2.operative 3.tail 4.spy相關對話:
- 民兵抓著了一個特務。The militiamen have caught a spy.
- 他朝那特務的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out.
- 特務,間諜A secret agent; a spy
- 特務機關仔細審查了數百名學生以選擇特務人員。The secret service screened hundreds of student to select its agent.
- 民兵抓著了一個特務。The militiamen have caught a spy
- 他朝那特務的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out.
- 特務機關的代理人把演講者驅逐出競技場。The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater.