拼音:tè shū yào qiú英文解釋:
【化】 special requirements; specific requirements例句:
- 除特殊要求或情況外,付款規條為「貨到找現C.O.D.」。Except special case and requested, the terms of payment will be C.O.D. .
- 這家飯店能滿足我們的一些特殊要求嗎?Will the restaurant cater to our special requests?
- 高速ECL電路測試及使用中的一些特殊要求Special Requirements for Testing and Application of High-Speed ECL Circuits
- 啊,我們為像您這樣有特殊要求的客戶準備了各種各樣的有趣的玩意。Ah, we have a variety of such wonders,all for the discerning buyer.
- 你對製作家提出過什麼特殊要求嗎?What do you ask from a guitar maker