- 他自己沒有權利制定法律。
He himself has no right to make a law
- 他的失言使得他自己十分難堪。
His indiscreet remark brought him between the borns of a dilemma
- 他自己聯繫了一家康複診所。
He’s booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic.
- 人是他自己命運的主人。
Man is the master of his destiny.
- 不能夠維持他自己生計的人。
a person unable to support himself.
- 一個自私而吝嗇的人考慮的只是他自己,所以他根本不會有朋友。
A cheap skate thinks only himself so he has no friends at all.
- 今天早上五點他自己醒來了。
He awoke of himself at five this morning.
- 但是阿隆索被招進站仍然參考了他自己的選擇。
But Alonso, invited by the team to stop, was still considering his options.