拼音:táo zǒu英文解釋:
run away; flee; decamp; cut away; flight; get-out; mizzle; take wing【法】 absquatulate; decamp; escape; flee
猶逃跑。《孔子家語·六本》:“小棰則待過,大杖則逃走。”《宋書·朱齡石傳》:... >>查看“逃走”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.doabolt 2.doaDutchact 3.doaDutch 4.flythecoop 5.givelegbail 6.skedaddle 7.showacleanpairofheels 8.slopeoff 9.absquatulate 10.takewing 11.cutone'sstick 12.dotheDutchact 13.beatit 14.get-out 15.cutaway 16.stumerstumpone'schalks例句:
- 那囚犯從牆上的缺口處逃走了。The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall.
- 恐怖分子越過邊境逃走了。The terrorists escaped across/over the border.
- 警鈴響起,顧客紛紛(從銀行)逃走。The customers fled (from the bank) when the alarm sounded.
- 他一點逃走的機會也沒有。There is not the smallest chance of his escape.
- 犯人逃走了。The prisoner has escaped.
- 小偷跳上汽車逃走了。The thief jumped into a car and made his escape.
- 罪犯乘直升機逃走了。The criminal escaped by a helicopter.
- 強盜們在警察到來之前逃走了。The robbers escaped before the police arrived.