拼音:táo wáng英文解釋:
escape; go into exile; abscondence; decamp; desertion; hegira; maroon; runaway【法】 abscond; abscondence; decamp; elope; elopement; leg bail; levant
逃跑在外;出走逃命 >>查看“逃亡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gointoexile 2.lam 3.mizzle 4.hegira 5.abskize 6.abscondence 7.decamp 8.desertion 9.runaway 10.levant 11.getaway 12.decampment 13.elopement 14.escape(ment) 15.flew 16.Hejira相關對話:
- 泰勒太太,逃亡兩天以後,星期六由她丈夫陪伴向警方自首。Mrs.Taylor, her husband at her side, surrendered to police Saturday after two days on the lam.
- 逃亡者用曲折迂迴的辦法來迷惑追蹤者The fugitive doubled back to confound the pursuers.
- 逃亡者夜行而晝伏。The fugitives travelled by night andrested by day.
- 她丈夫把她存摺上所有的錢都取走瞭然後逃亡美國。Her husband debited all the money against her account and then escaped to America.