拼音:táo tuō英文解釋:
escape from; cheat; get away; get out; miss; outrun; slip the collarsucceed in escaping
【法】 absquatulate; ire ad largum; run off
(1) ∶逃離了逃脫追捕(2) ∶避開擺脫 >>查看“逃脫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.getfreeof 2.gotfreeof 3.abskize 4.escaped 5.getawayfrom 6.escape(ment) 7.gottenoutof漢語造句:
- 他們半夜逃脫了。They effected their escape in the middle of the night.
- 那囚犯掙扎著(要擺脫那些逮他的人),卻未能逃脫。The prisoner struggled (against his captors) but couldn't escape.
- 殖民主義者對被壓迫人民犯了無數罪行,是絕對逃脫不了懲罰的。The colonialists could never get away with the innumerable crimes they had committed against the oppressed people.
- 我原以為已經把狗拴牢了,沒想到它逃脫了。I thought I had the dog fast but he has slipped the collar.
- 他們嚴密監視他,惟恐他會逃脫。They watched him closely in case he should escape.
- 他想出了一個可藉以逃脫的辦法。He devised a plan whereby he might escape.