拼音:táo shēng 英文解釋:
flee for one's life
逃出險境,以求生存霍克伯里河及其支流全部泛濫,災情那么嚴重,農民們不得不趕快逃生... >>
查看“逃生”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他死里逃生實在是奇蹟!
It's just a miracle that he survived the accident!
- 我們從熱病中逃生,勉強支撐著身子到達市鎮。
We rubbed through the fever with just enough life to reach the town.
- 據索馬里官員稱,總理差點在一次自殺性爆炸事件中喪命(此處是強調死里逃生)。
Officials in Somalia say the Prime Minister has survived a suicide bombing
- 他從那些猛獸口中死里逃生。
He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin
- 貝思:我會告訴我們老闆關於進行逃生訓練的事。
Beth : I will talk to the boss about making an evacuation plan.
- 你知道他總是能設法死里逃生的。
You know he always manages to get out of a tight situation .