字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>淘金的英文翻譯 “淘金”的日文翻譯


拼音:táo jīn


fossick; pan


在淘盤中洗滌泥土、砂礫或其他物質以尋找金子 >>查看“淘金”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.placermining  2.fossick  


  1. 可是,那裡也是沙里淘金的地方。
    B: However, somebody can often find gold among the sands there
  2. 今天到達淘金時期的城市史凱格威。
    Skagway was a boomtown at the Gold Rush days
  3. 在加利福尼亞的淘金熱潮中許多人都過著一種互相傾軋的生活。
    During the California gold rush, many people had a dog-eat-dog life
  4. 我抱著搪瓷罐就像淘金子那樣使勁把這些水汪汪的混合物搖勻。
    I swayed and jiggled the watery mixture as if I were panning for gold.
  5. 淘金在盤子中沖洗(如礦砂)以便得到金子或其它珍貴的金屬
    To wash(gravel, for example) in a pan for gold or other precious metal
  6. 在1849年參與加利福尼亞州淘金熱的礦工。
    a miner who took part in the California gold rush in 1849
  7. 他在加利福尼亞淘金熱時去了美國。
    He went to America during the Californian gold rush.
  8. 不過 ,淘金熱給阿拉斯加的命運帶來了轉機。
    However, it was the Gold Rush that changed the destiny of Alaska.
