拼音:tǎo hǎo de英文解釋:
claptrap; suave相關詞條:
1.ingratiatory 2.claptrap 3.propitiatory 4.insinuating相關對話:
- 她扮演了一個受累不討好的角色。She played a thankless role.
- 改卷子是吃力不討好的任務。grading papers is a thankless task
- 我想她是很容易討好的。I think she is easy to please.
- 費力不討好的事一項具有一個荒謬或毀滅性結果的代價很高的任務A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome
- 取悅以討好的行為重獲或試圖重獲(友誼或好感)To regain or try to regain(friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior.
- 庫伯負責宣布裁員這個不討好的任務。Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies.