拼音:tān xīn 英文解釋:
avarice; cupidity; greed; rapacity; swine
(1) ∶貪得的欲望(2) ∶不知足 >>
查看“貪心”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
swine 2.
cupidity 3.
esurience 4.
greed 5.
avariciousness 相關對話:
- 一鳥在手,勝於二鳥在林(最好滿足於現有的,以免因貪心而失去一切)。
It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy.
- 貪心的繼承人等待著老頭斷氣。
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out.
- 貪心的或貪婪的人
A greedy, rapacious person.
- 貪心的繼承人等待著老頭斷氣。
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out
- 除去你的貪心,放棄你所炫耀的愛好。
Forsake your greed, abandon your appetites of ostentation.
- 她那貪心的妻子愛財如命。
His acquisitive wife is too fond of money
- 可是,太貪心,加太多辣芥菜醬,辣得我呱呱叫!
However, I was too greedy and added too much hot mustard sauce !
- 他們都是圍攏在將要去世的百萬富翁床邊的貪心人。
They are all vultures round the bedside of the dying millionaire.