字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>嘆氣的英文翻譯 “嘆氣”的日文翻譯


拼音:tàn qì


sigh; suspire
【醫】 suspiration


舒發心中憤郁之氣 >>查看“嘆氣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 嘆氣, 抽口氣
    draw [fetch, heave] a sigh
  2. 她和基普森普雷茲說話的時候在嘆氣
    She signs along with her words as she speaks to GIBSON PRAISE.
  3. 我一想起自己做過的蠢事就不由得搖頭嘆氣.
    I still wince at the memory of the stupid things I did
  4. 他感覺自己很無能,也很無用,唉聲嘆氣
    He felt that he is very incompetent, is also very useless, heaves a sigh
  5. 他長嘆氣一聲。
    She gave a long sigh
  6. 人們常常嘆氣沒有幹部。
    People often sigh over the shortage of cadres.
  7. 為不幸的遭遇唉聲嘆氣對身體有害。這對年輕夫婦在拚命工作,他們渴望擁有一所自己的房子。
    The new couple are working very hard They sigh for a house of their own
  8. 他聽到一聲頗有同感的嘆氣聲。
    He heard an I-thought-so sigh.
