拼音:tān lán英文解釋:
be avid for; be avid of; greed; avarice; cupidity; miserliness; rapacityvoracity
對財物、錢等充滿非同尋常的強烈欲望貪婪的目光 >>查看“貪婪”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.edacity 2.esurience 3.itchingpalm 4.loveofgain 5.rapaciousness 6.shark'smanner 7.swinery 8.avidity 9.voraciousness 10.covetousness 11.sordidness 12.avariciousness漢語造句:
- 他受貪婪和懶惰的驅使步入了罪惡的一生。He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.
- 她露出貪婪的表情。She shows a covetous look.
- 從他的眼中透出一種貪婪。His greed looked through his eyes.
- 貪婪驅使他偷竊。Avarice drove him into theft.
- 是貪婪這種誘惑物使他步入罪惡。It's the tempter of greed that led him into crime.
- 貪婪使富人想要更富。Avarice makes rich people want to become even richer.