字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>太空船的英文翻譯


拼音:tài kōng chuán


spacecraft; spaceship
【法】 space ship


1.spacecapsule  2.satelloid  


  1. 太空船繞火紅四周的軌道轉三周。
    The spacecraft orbited Mars three times.
  2. 太空船在宇宙里平穩地飛行。
    The spaceship traveled smoothly in the universe.
  3. 那個講三個漂亮姑娘在太空船內的故事是毫無現實意義的作品。
    That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.
  4. 太空船如何利用「彈弓效應」改變軌道?
    How does the slingshot effect work to change the orbit of a spacecraft?
  5. 太空船裝置了防熱護罩。
    The spacecraft was fitted with a heat-shield
  6. 發射飛彈或太空船到指定地點的過程。
    the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination.
  7. 我們通過無線電與太空船聯繫。
    We are in radio communication with the spacecraft.
  8. 企業號」回到太空船塢做主要系統的升級 改裝。
    Enterprise returns to Spacedock forajor upgrade.
