字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>台計算機的英文翻譯


拼音:tái jì suàn jī


【計】 desk-size machine


  1. 台計算機有標準的英文鍵盤。
    The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard
  2. 對話,會話與一台計算機進行實時相互作用
    A real-time interaction with a computer
  3. 台計算機由一個塑膠防護罩蓋著。
    A plastic cover protects the computer
  4. 連線到計算機網路的任何一台計算機
    (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network.
  5. 這裡沒有一台計算機不是國產的。
    There is no computer here which is not home-made.
  6. 台計算機有一個儲量為128兆的記憶體。
    The computer has a 128M memory
  7. "我過去的那台計算機沒完沒了地出故障,它從未好好地運行過。"
    I had interminable problems with my last computer; it never worked well.
  8. 台計算機對這個工作的作用會是無法估計的。
    A computer would have been invaluable for this job
