字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>踏遍的英文翻譯 踏遍拼音:tà biàn 英文解釋:【法】 step漢語造句:勘探隊踏遍了祖國的山山水水。The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land. 他是個偉大的旅行家, 足跡踏遍了全世界。He is a great traveler and has moved about all over the world 彼得踏遍美國,有時在這兒有時在那兒。Peter took a walk across America, he was now here now there 相關詞語踏步檢查 踏結實 踏步的 踏車 踏看 踏腳處 踏腳的 踏足板 踏上 踏板鍵盤