拼音:suō shǐ英文解釋:
abet; goad; instigate; sool; suborn【法】 abetment; persuade; urging commission of crime
慫恿或挑動別人去幹壞事操笑曰:“量汝是個醫人,安敢下毒害我?必有人唆... >>查看“唆使”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.abetment 2.abett漢語造句:
- 他唆使狗攻擊侵入者。He set the dogs on the trespasser.
- 唆使某人做某事instigate sb. to do sth.
- 他幹這件事部分原因是由於受到那些人的唆使。He did it partly because he was edged on by those people.
- 唆使某人做某事Goad sb. into doing sth.
- 對不起,不知道是誰唆使他騙人的。Sorry, no idea who put him up to cheat.
- 在某人的唆使下at the instigation of sb.