拼音:suǒ chánɡ 英文解釋:
one's strong point; superintendent
職位名稱。我要參加某工商所所長職位的競爭演講 >>
查看“所長”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
superintende 2.
superintendent 3.
Director 例句:
- [諺]萬事皆通,但一無所長。
Jack of all trades and master of none.
- 我很害怕去見這位所長。
I am scared stiff of meeting the director.
- 人總有所長:男人頭皮多,女人膽子小。
Everybody have something:a man have dandruff,and a woman have cold feet
- 數學一向非我所長.
Mathematics was never my forte.
- 費羅斯特盡力促使他遊手好閒的兒子有所長進。
Frost did all he could to push his idle son on.
- 傑克在農場工作是用其所長。
Jack is in his element working on the farm.
- 萬事皆通,一無所長。
Jack of all trades is of no trade.