拼音:suí yù ér ān 英文解釋:
be able to adapt oneself to different circumstances; make the best of things中文解釋:
處在任何環境都能適應並感到滿足 保重弱軀,開擴心地,隨遇而安,足慰懸懸矣。&md... >>
查看“隨遇而安”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 這裡的膳宿供應也許不見得完全令人滿意,但是我們只好隨遇而安。
The accommodation may not be all that we should like, but we shall have to make the best of it.
- 女子善隨遇而安。
Circumstances alter women.
- 這根本不是我想要的, 但是我必須隨遇而安。
This isn't what I wanted at all, but I must make the best of a bad bargain.
- 隨遇而安就能避免種種麻煩。
You can avoid all kinds of trouble by letting well alone.
- 勇敢的人隨遇而安,所到之處都是故鄉。
Every soil where he is well, is to a valiant man his natural country.
- 隨遇而安。
Take the world as it is.
- 不能隨心所欲,亦當隨遇而安。
If we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get.