拼音:suì rù英文解釋:
revenue【經】 annual income; annual revenue; finances; revenue
國家、單位等一年財政收入的總和 >>查看“歲入”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.annualrevenue 2.yearlyincome 3.Treasury 4.annualreturn漢語造句:
- 但是制訂鼓勵人們儲蓄獎勵辦法是當務之急,官員們說他們想要尋求不致過分影響聯邦歲入的辦法,至少幾年之內不致影響。But devising incentives to encourage people to save more is a high priority, and the officials said they wanted to explore approaches that would not make much of a dent in Federal revenues, at least for some years.
- 柯林頓曾說,這是可以徵得夠歲入的最公平的稅務方案。羅斯坦考夫斯基說,他認為他會裡的委員們——有關徵稅立法首先須經他們審查——將會感到為難,但終會接受這件稅務提案。Mr.Clinton has said that this is the fairest tax that would raise enough revenue. Mr.Rostenkowski said he thought the members of this committee, who have the first crack at tax legislation, would "swallow hard" and accept the tax.
- 總數接近歲入之值。The sum is in close proximity to the amount of revenue.
- 我妹妹6歲入學。My sister started school at the age of six.